To make progress though, Wander needs to hold up his sword, which will reflect a beam of sunlight in the general direction that you are required to go to locate the next colossus. Shadow of the Colossus takes place in a fairly large open world and players can bring up the map and pretty much navigate to anywhere on it right at the start of the game without a ton of difficulty. Wander then sets out with his trusty steed Agro, an enchanted sword and a bow in search of the first massive creature. And that’s essentially, as the player, everything you know up front. When the girl is placed upon the altar within the Shrine of Worship a disembodied voice from the heavens instructs Wander to rid the land of 16 giant colossi in exchange for the girl’s life - at a great cost, of course. The player assumes the role of a young man by the name of Wander and his horse Agro who have presumably travelled to a mysterious land with a sick/dying girl in search of a power to heal/revive her. How many games out there were released, remastered and then remade over 3 sequential generations? Not many.įor those who have yet to be exposed to previous incarnations of the game, there’s not a whole lot of in your face storytelling happening in Shadow of the Colossus. From the scope of the open world to the scale of the iconic creatures that protect it, Shadow of the Colossus was a masterpiece that would have certainly benefited greatly from more powerful hardware. Team ICO and Fumito Ueda pushed the limits of that old hardware just as the world was preparing for the PS3, and it instantly became a must have title for the aging platform.

Shadow of the Colossus, which released at the tail end of the PlayStation 2’s long and successful life span, was very much a game ahead of its time.