OmniFocus, which is still in version 3, is a powerful app with a lot of features for organizing and prioritizing your tasks. If you manage your tasks from Apple devices, follow the Getting Things Done (GTD) method, and never assign tasks to other people, then OmniFocus might appeal to you. How you manage your tasks greatly affects which to-do app is best for you.
#Omnifocus gtd software
Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.I owe a debt to the writers of this post which is the article I used for reviews prior to writing this. What do you think? Any feedback? This is a ‘live’ document that my weekly review reminder links to directly so any improvements or refinements are added into the process constantly. Appropriate review frequency is a real example of ‘Mind like water’. Changing the review frequency of a project is entirely appropriate and should be done as your relationship with the project and the projects relationship with time changes. For example, The holiday you’re planning to take in 12 months, from here it’s probably a 3 month review, closer it becomes monthly, within 4 weeks it should probably become weekly. Omnifocus defaults to a week, which is a good start but probably isn’t suitable for half or more of your projects. Review as infrequently as you can (to reduce admin overheads) but as frequently as you need to (to ensure things don’t slip entirely or slip back into your head space). Are you reviewing this project frequently enough? Or too often? You might need to change your next action, maybe the existing next action should be split into two, or the order of the project changed. Reviewed this project more than once without it moving forward? You’re stuck. Your project will not move on until you have identified (at least) the next specific task which will move you closer to completion. What does the project outcome look like?.Why do I want to achieve the outcome for this project?.I’ve writing a much longer post about this, suffice for now to say that projects of note have two questions asked and answered in the notes field: If the project is significant, have you leveraged positive affirmation techniques to help it succeed? “describe in a single sentence the intended successful outcome for the problem or situation” It can help to think of this as writing for someone else - the you of next week really is a different person from the you of today. Is your task written as an actual outcome? I find that longer, more descriptive project titles such as “Go on a geeky holiday with your friends in 2013” is a lot easier to use than “Holiday?”. Breaking tasks down into the smallest practical step is key to actually getting things done. Remember, a project is anything that takes more than 1 clearly defined step to complete. Often, tasks creep in that really should be projects. I have many stacks of single tasks, piles of repeating tasks, lists of articles to read etc. If you're reviewing single tasks - should it really be a project? There are enough genuinely important tasks for you to attend to without adding more. Have your priorities changed? Is this project important any more? No? It’s probably been a week since you last did a review, depending on the frequency of review you’ve set for this project - possibly much more. Do you still care / Is the outcome still needed? This enables you to better focus on tasks you actually can do - your available task perspectives won’t be filled with tasks you can’t do right now. Will you make any actions on this project before it’s next review date? If not, put it on hold. Have a quick check to see if you’ve completed the project since the last review, or if anyone else has. I don't tick off everything as I do it and nor does anyone else. My weekly reminder to do my weekly review, links directly to this post and I keep it visible whilst I review all the items in my bucket. I use Omnifocus to track my tasks so some terms may not apply to you.