Mad max scrap stockpile decreases time on scrap from camps
Mad max scrap stockpile decreases time on scrap from camps

mad max scrap stockpile decreases time on scrap from camps

Roaming the Wasteland are Scrapulance vehicles, which are part of the Scrotus Enemies faction. Crate locations will stay on your minimap after the storm has passed, but will vanish if you walk/drive far enough that they go off map. Breaking a crate against a wall is ideal so that the scrap pieces don't go flying everywhere. Track down the scrap crates flying through the storm on your minimap, park the Magnum Opus in a defensive position, and jump out and destroy the crate.

mad max scrap stockpile decreases time on scrap from camps

Be sure you talk to them before you kill them or the scavenger won't drop scrap. You'll get 50 scrap from the Scavenger, but you can kill the person to get another 50 scrap. The Scavenger Encounters are marked with a little scavenging hand. After inspecting an area with the Vantage Outpost, check your map and look for encounters. They're rare, but Scavenger Encounters offer a small chunk of scrap. Sometimes reloading a saved game fixes it but not always.) I have 14 camps cleared and yet I'm only geting 60-240 scrap per delivery instead of the 280 it should be, on top of which it only delivers every great once in awhile, if at all. You will sometime get no scrap from some allied camps.

mad max scrap stockpile decreases time on scrap from camps

You don't need to do anything to collbect the scrap, so this is one of the better ways to gain a steady income. All allied camps will periodically ( about every 20 minutes) deliver scrap to Max. There's a limited amount of scrap in each camp, but aside from reducing threat in an area, the best value of taking a camp is gaining its resources.

Mad max scrap stockpile decreases time on scrap from camps upgrade#

It doesn't add much bonus scrap at first, but it'll increase as the upgrade is leveled up. When you visit Griffa early on, upgrade Max's Volition, which will add bonus scrap when looting enemies and scavenging sites. Just getting started in Mad Max? Be sure to check out the Tips and Tricks page for essential information that can help you better survive the Wasteland.

Mad max scrap stockpile decreases time on scrap from camps